Index CFD Trade-How They Work

CFD trading can be defined as being the selling and buying of CFDs. CFD is an acronym of contract for difference. This derivative product enables traders to make financial market speculations like commodities, indices, forex, and shares without the need to take ownership. Instead, CFD trading means you agree to change the pricing difference of …

Sources claim that the UK will reveal cryptocurrency regulation proposals in the weeks ahead

Sources tell CNBC that Rishi Sunak, the British finance minister, will announce a new regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies in the weeks ahead. The news will focus on stable coins, digital assets valued at existing currencies like the U.S. dollar. The Treasury has been in discussions with many companies and trade organizations. London According to four …

Do ETFs pay dividends?

Dividends are a common component of most investment portfolios. Dividend-paying equity instruments often comprise a significant proportion of individuals’ and institutions’ investment portfolios, especially those looking to supplement their retirement or pension income. Investing in dividend-paying stocks can also help investors meet their capital gains objectives. Dividends vs Capital Gains? Firstly, let’s look at the …

What are stock CFDs?

Stock CFDs are an excellent way for small businesses to break into the stock market. They allow traders to buy and sell stocks on margin, meaning that they can make investments with only one or two thousand pounds at their disposal. However, this also means that you could lose out heavily if you are not …

How to trade ETFs on the Norwegian stock market?

  When I first started trading Norwegian stocks, the most significant barrier was accessing the stock market.   To invest in Norwegian companies, you need to be a brokerage member, which costs somewhere around $3,000 – $5,000 depending on who you choose and how much money you give them as a fee. Luckily there is …

What is the difference between SGS and SSB?

 SSB stands for Stop-Start-Break, while SGS stands for Stop-Go-Stop. Both acronyms are used to indicate the trend of a security or market. SSB and SGS are valuable tools to help you determine the trend of a security or market. However, traders should not use them in isolation.  It is important to use other indicators such …

What you should know about news trading in forex?

  When news trading in Forex, it’s important to remember that the market can move in either direction on any given piece of news. The key is to be prepared for either outcome and to have a plan in place so that you can profit no matter which direction the market moves. What you need …

Understanding the Foreign Exchange Market

Foreign exchange (Forex or FX) is the exchange of one currency for another currency, and it usually happens in the foreign exchange market. The forex market is the most liquid globally as millions of trillions of dollars change hands worldwide. Transactions don’t happen in a centralized place, but rather, they go through an expansive network …